Jeff's 2025 NCAA Basketball Pool

New Entries Available Until 3/21/2024 12:15:00 PM

Welcome to Jeff's 2025 NCAA Basketball Pool webpage! You must have your entry and $5 to by noon Thursday March 20th. 

You can mail your payment to the following address: 488 Stevens Hill, Wilder, KY 41076. Be sure to include your entry names that you are paying for.

You can enter an alias as your name but you must provide a valid email address. You may enter as many times as you wish, just use a different name when creating another entry. (The same email address can be used on multiple entries.)

Friends and family are all welcome to participate. If you would like to change/delete an entry, submit a new entry and send an email to or my son at indicating which entry you would like deleted.

Site works best in Chrome, Edge, or Firefox.

NCAA Offical Site
You may pay me in person or send check to my home address:

Jeff Blanchet
488 Stevens Hill
Wilder, KY 41076

You can pay your $5 entry fee via Venmo (@Jeff-Blanchet-33) or Zelle ( Say it is for drinks or entertainment.


  • Round
  • Second
  • Third
  • Regional Semi
  • Regional Final
  • National Semi
  • Championship
  • Points
  • 1 point
  • 2 points
  • 5 points
  • 8 points
  • 11 points
  • 15points

If you find errors in the scoring, please let me know.

The top three point totals will win a share of the pot. You receive points by picking which teams you think will win.

NO points are awarded for the extra games played Tuesday/Wednesday night. The winners of those games will play the teams as shown on the bracket, and you can select the winner to beat the scheduled team if you so choose. If either team wins, you get credit for that team winning.


  • Position
  • First Place
  • Second Place
  • Third Place
  • Amount
  • 60% of pot
  • 30% of pot
  • 10% of pot
In case of a tie, money is split among those tied.


Some entries in the poll are for amusement only and are NOT eligilbe to win. They are:
  • Top Seeds - All top seeds win each game.
  • Ken Pom Ratings - Based on the Ken Pom Ratings
  • RPI Ratings - Based on the RPI Ratings
  • NET Ratings - Based on the NET Ratings
  • Consensus Picks - Based on all user entries in the Pool.